Ever tried to commit to one of those two-hour morning rituals that make you feel like you should be levitating by the end? Yeah, me too. Didn't stick. I don't know, it's just not for me.
Instead, I’ve boiled down my morning routine to a neat and simple 5 minutes that sets me up for a killer day, every day. Here's the rundown:
1. Wake Up Without the World Buzzing In
I use a vibrating alarm clock bracelet that nudges me awake instead of using my phone. Originally, I picked it up so I wouldn't wake my not-a-morning-person-fiancé with my early alarms, but over time I realized how much of a difference not staring at a phone first thing made. I try to get out of bed without even looking at the screen, because I think we all know that social media first thing in the morning is a recipe for a dopamine-disaster.
If I am having a hard time waking up and feel that I need to scroll, I look through pretty pictures on pinterest or through my own camera roll. I've found that this swap has made an absolutely massive change in how easy it is for me to slip into a productive morning, no matter how early.
2. Hygiene: The Detox Duo
Tongue scraping. If you know, you know. I promise, once you see how much gross stuff is deposited on your tongue overnight, you'll never not use a scraper again. It's really just the MVP for kicking out toxins. Of course, that's on top of brushing teeth. The other essential is a quick washcloth run for any sweaty spots to ensure the concentrated toxins your body expelled via sweat overnight don’t reabsorb into your skin.
3. Cozy Mode: Activate
Shower? Maybe. Maybe later. But the non-negotiable is sliding into my comfiest clothes. Whether I'm heading to my home office or the couch, cozy is the dress code.
4. Water First, Coffee Second
I used to to absolutely HATE drinking water on an empty stomach and always went for coffee instead. At spome point I realized how dehydrated I am after waking up, and that coffee doesn't actually rehydrate me, it just kind of feels like it does. So now I'm super strict about a glass of water first. Then a happy coffee.
5. Daily Highlight and Music to Match
While I’m sipping that water & coffee, I pick out something to look forward to that day. Could be playing a game with my fiancé, an ice cream run, or a chat with a friend. And if the morning's got me feeling bleh, I hit play on some upbeat music. It's the healthiest, quickest mood lift I'm aware of (but hit me up if you've got anything better! haha).
And just like that, I'm ready to go. This routine’s my little morning magic. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s all about focusing on the priorities and keeping everything else chill. Give it a whirl, and who knows? It might just be the perfect fit for you that it is for me.